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My Nappy Journey-Afro-Twist -Sisterlocks-Traditional Locs
2022 currently wearing Locs that I interlock, but started with faux Locs In 2019. I've been gone for a while, been through many different stages but im still natural and loving it!! My combined sisterlocks are no longer!! I actually got frustrated with them and cut them off...so I started all over from scratch again. Currently as of Sept 29th 2012, I am a curly natural free-former as I like to call myself....enjoying my natural hair in its own curly state!!
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Monday, June 6, 2022
Thursday, January 4, 2018
I ordered some stuff!!!
I could not help myself I ordered some soft spike curlers from the web since I have been reading all the blogs and I have seen a lot of raves about them I went ahead and ordered myself some...I got the purple and gray ones....If you don't know I love Purple...any shade...it doesn't matter. I also ordered myself 2 Tomoka's Twist....The Goldilocks and the JazziLee set....I am such a product whore..when it comes to buying stuff.
I was in my bathroom today and I was looking at all the products and hair accessories that I have...what am I going to do with them...especially all my gels, oils, and sprays, combs, brushes, and picks....I guess I am going to have to give them away!!!
I was in my bathroom today and I was looking at all the products and hair accessories that I have...what am I going to do with them...especially all my gels, oils, and sprays, combs, brushes, and picks....I guess I am going to have to give them away!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
My hair is DIFFICULT!!
Today was nothing new I steamed while in the shower and just ran my fingers through but today it looks a mess!!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Pop n curl!! Tyshea's way!!
I went to get shidanaturalized at KinHairitage last Saturday and I loved it, she did a pop n curl and a health cut for me and all week I got mad compliments! But I can't afford to pay 90$ every time I want my hair done so I tried it myself, using the techniques I she used. I started by washing and smoothing my hair instead of my normal washing which is scrubbing crazy!! I then conditioned and smoothed again after that I used olive oil and organic root stimulator curls unleashed curl defining creme and took my hair layer by layer and smoothed and watched my curls just pop out. She had me sit under the dryer but I don't have one so I'm air drying!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Transitioning from Sisterlocks-Traditional Locs
Hello everyone....I know I haven't updated for a very long time and the last time that I did was to just complain, but as of Feb. 2, 2009 I am no longer a part of the Sisterlock family. Me and my sisterlocks just did not mesh very well. I went through a very rough time making this decision because I did invest so much time and money into them but in the long run I had to do what was best for my lifestyle as well as my hair. I thought about taking them out completely, I even went out and bought 3 rattail combs and lots of conditioner....lol!!! I researched the process of what it would take and the possibility of hair loss and after all the research that i did and thinking about why I originally wanted to have locs, I decided to get my sisterlocks combined by twisting 2 of them together and retwisting from their to cultivate traditional locs.
I went to a braiding shop in my area called African & American Braiding in Blackwood, NJ and got my hair done by Bridgett...she is the owner. Took her about 5 hours twist everything. She twisted with the Jamaican Lime and Mango resistant locking gel...that I brought with me becuase she used the black gel and I can not use that type of gel in my hair without excessive flaking. I will go back in 3 weeks to get it washed and retwisted and hopefully my loc journey will be so much easier and less expensive compared to my Sisterlock journey.
One thing that I can say about my Sisterlocks is that I chose to not keep them becuase of the cost of maintenance for them. My retightening sessions were to frequent, I needed to go no more than 5 weeks without getting my hair retightened...and at 130 a retightening session...I just could not afford it. I enjoyed having my Sisterlocks and I would encourage anyone that is interested in getting Sisterlocks to research all aspects of them....I thought I did but the one thing that i did not account for was the amount of slippage i had and the frequency of my retightening sessions.
I will try to update more frequently concerning my new loc journey...hopefully this one will be much smoother.
I went to a braiding shop in my area called African & American Braiding in Blackwood, NJ and got my hair done by Bridgett...she is the owner. Took her about 5 hours twist everything. She twisted with the Jamaican Lime and Mango resistant locking gel...that I brought with me becuase she used the black gel and I can not use that type of gel in my hair without excessive flaking. I will go back in 3 weeks to get it washed and retwisted and hopefully my loc journey will be so much easier and less expensive compared to my Sisterlock journey.
One thing that I can say about my Sisterlocks is that I chose to not keep them becuase of the cost of maintenance for them. My retightening sessions were to frequent, I needed to go no more than 5 weeks without getting my hair retightened...and at 130 a retightening session...I just could not afford it. I enjoyed having my Sisterlocks and I would encourage anyone that is interested in getting Sisterlocks to research all aspects of them....I thought I did but the one thing that i did not account for was the amount of slippage i had and the frequency of my retightening sessions.
I will try to update more frequently concerning my new loc journey...hopefully this one will be much smoother.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I just want to scream!!!!!!!
aaahhhhhaaahhhhhhhh......My hair is a mess. I no longer think what I have in my hair would even be considered sisterlocks. I am over 4 weeks due for my retightening and my hair is a MESSSSSSS. I don't have any money to do anything about it...and i hate it. I dont want to let them go but I just don't have any extra money to do anything about it.....Like I said I feel like screaming....Ahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I need help and I don't know where to turn....if I only had a camera I would post an awful picture for everyone to see!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
My sisterlocks are costing me to much money right now!!!!!
I am here once again to tell yall I have not been back for a retightening since my last one blogged about. I was due for a retightening on November 12 which I had to rescheduled due to having no funds...you know the economy is no good!!!! I have been seriously thinking about looking into transitioning my sisterlocks into traditional locks if that is possible, I have not had any consult yet again due to not having no extra money, but I know I need to do something.
When I first started looking into getting sisterlocks, I did know that it was going to be costly to keep it maintained but I did not think I would need to get it retightened so quickly. My SL's are averaging every 5 weeks at the maximum becuase my perimeter locs unravel so quickly. My SL's are great and I love them especially when I first get them retightened but as far as the upkeep of them it is a lot more costly than what I had hoped for.
If anyone actually reads this I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on what I could possibly do...i love having locs...is it possible for me to transition my SL's to traditional locs and would it still be as costly...I need some serious help!!!!
When I first started looking into getting sisterlocks, I did know that it was going to be costly to keep it maintained but I did not think I would need to get it retightened so quickly. My SL's are averaging every 5 weeks at the maximum becuase my perimeter locs unravel so quickly. My SL's are great and I love them especially when I first get them retightened but as far as the upkeep of them it is a lot more costly than what I had hoped for.
If anyone actually reads this I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on what I could possibly do...i love having locs...is it possible for me to transition my SL's to traditional locs and would it still be as costly...I need some serious help!!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Finally Got a Retightening!!!!!
I was due for a retightening over 4 weeks ago...and when I say my hair was a mess...I will tell you my hair was a HOT MESS!!! I will never ever ever go that long again without getting it done. I had just moved into my first apartment and i just did not have the extra money to get it done. Well I got my hair done on Sept. 2nd and it took Simone about 6hrs to fix all my problems...and what type of problems would you ask? I had serious slippage around the perimeter of my hairline, fused locs...which i did not know I should seperate, and just a lot of new growth. My hair other than that is doing great. I do see some locing but my hair is very soft so I always have a lot of slippage. My problems is I do not know how to overcome Bedhead with out submerging my hair in water, spraying it just with the water bottle just does not help all the time. Also I need some help when it comes to styling....I want to wear my hair in other ways besides just shake and gos and headbands but I just can not seem to master style techniques. I a going to try to take some pictures until next time....have a blessed day!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
I'm a baaaddd blogger!! Sorry I havent updated!!!
Hey everyone sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I went for my first retightening session on March 31st...everything went good, took her about 2.5 hrs to retighten. I didn't have any slippage and when she washed my hair it felt sooooo good. I hadn't tried my hand at washing my hair because I didn't want to have any slippage or anything, so I just wet it and shook it like a wet dog!!!
I will be 11 weeks sisterlocked when it's time for my next retightening appointment on Monday, May 5th at 10am. She's going to wash and tighten my SL's and I am going to ask her to style it some type of way. I know this session I have a lot slippage that I can see and feel. I did band and wash my hair once and I also shower wet my hair a couple of times, so thats probably where I got all my slippage from. I also have areas in my head where it looks like my hair is breaking off...and I just cant see why that would be...especially since I do not manipulate my hair. I am definitely going to ask her about that.
I haven't been doing much to my hair so after this retightening I think I am going to try my hand at a little styling. I have just been wearing it free form...I spritz and go. My camera has been out of commission so I haven't been able to take any new pics but I will have some for ya on my next post after my retightening.
I will be 11 weeks sisterlocked when it's time for my next retightening appointment on Monday, May 5th at 10am. She's going to wash and tighten my SL's and I am going to ask her to style it some type of way. I know this session I have a lot slippage that I can see and feel. I did band and wash my hair once and I also shower wet my hair a couple of times, so thats probably where I got all my slippage from. I also have areas in my head where it looks like my hair is breaking off...and I just cant see why that would be...especially since I do not manipulate my hair. I am definitely going to ask her about that.
I haven't been doing much to my hair so after this retightening I think I am going to try my hand at a little styling. I have just been wearing it free form...I spritz and go. My camera has been out of commission so I haven't been able to take any new pics but I will have some for ya on my next post after my retightening.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
On a personal note...kids are out of school next week for spring break...which I am so not looking forward too. See the thing is I work at night so when I come home from work my day go as follows....I get kids up and ready for school, once they are gone which is about 9am.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It's hard finding REAL friends today....For all the REAL friends..I Love You!!!!
One of my best friends is planning a visit from ATL and it just got me thinking....Why is it so hard to find REAL TRUE FRIENDS......I have 2 very close friends that I tell everything, of course I have had other friends but as time has gone by and we have grown up...we grew apart, not becuase we were no longer friends just because life happens. I have found that finding girlfriends that you can trust is harder now that I am older than when I was younger. This post is for all the true friends out there that no matter where your life has taken you, you still stay true to the people that were there for you before.
11 days SLed and 1st BB & wash
I have been sisterlocked now for ONLY 11 days....oh how I thought its been so much more than that. I have been having some itching for about 3 or 4 days now so I decided to wash my hair this morning. I was really trying to wait like my consultant suggested but I just couldnt take it any more. So I got off work this morning braided and banded my hair and proceeded to wash with my Starter sisterlock shampoo. The most difficult part for me was braiding and banding...cause when I say I cant braid I mean I cant braid....so technically I twisted and banded..but either way I did succeed and seperated my hair in about 8 sections with multi color rubberbands. I think I am going to have to find some other way to B&B without using rubberbands I really dont like rubberbands in my hair. It was real easy to wash I followed the directions that came in my starter kit rinse and washed again. After I washed I towel dried my hair and took the rubberbands out. I untwisted the sections and shook my head and I was done....I must say that was easy and fast. I bought some soft spike curlers I think after I finish this I am going to attempt to put them in. But I took some pictures of my 1 st wash...take a looksie and tell me what you think.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
My first real compliment!!!
Today was my first real day going out with my Sisterlocks...I went to my girlfriends babyshower and everybody just kept throwing me compliments...it made me feels so good and it made me realize how damn good my hair looked!!!!
My hair is so shiny and bouncy.....I can actually swing my hair....I love my hair.....I feel just like a child with a new toy.
I also took all my old products out of my bathroom and when I tell you I never noticed how much of a product junkie I was until today....I had almost 2 boxes full of stuff, about 10 combs, 6 brushes and a slew of clips, hair combs, pins, headbands, and any other type of hairpiece...I know I probably had it.
I am going to miss my silky souffle so much.....I get it from Indigofera....That's a natural hair salon in Philly, that I frequented once and I love her products, she makes everything herself. The silky souffle made my hair soft and oh so shiny. You guys should check her out she makes all kinds of products for hair, body and home...all natural.
I also took all my old products out of my bathroom and when I tell you I never noticed how much of a product junkie I was until today....I had almost 2 boxes full of stuff, about 10 combs, 6 brushes and a slew of clips, hair combs, pins, headbands, and any other type of hairpiece...I know I probably had it.
I am going to miss my silky souffle so much.....I get it from Indigofera....That's a natural hair salon in Philly, that I frequented once and I love her products, she makes everything herself. The silky souffle made my hair soft and oh so shiny. You guys should check her out she makes all kinds of products for hair, body and home...all natural.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
My SL's are coming along....
Today was the first day that I actually felt like I need to do something to my hair. I had a test to take tonight and when I woke up I had "bed head" so I sprayed my hair with some water ran my fingers through it and kind of styled it and went...I am truly loving the freedom that I feel.


My hair is starting to feel a little itchy...I went to the supermarket this morning and I bought some witch hazel and spray bottles. What I am not sure about though is how do I suppose to cleanse my scalp with the witch hazel..I first thought about using a cotton ball but then I thought that would probably leave cotton in my hair so my question is how do I use the witch hazel? The spray bottles are going to be used daily since that is really all I'm going to need....I put some water in it...spray, shake, and go.
My hair is starting to feel a little itchy...I went to the supermarket this morning and I bought some witch hazel and spray bottles. What I am not sure about though is how do I suppose to cleanse my scalp with the witch hazel..I first thought about using a cotton ball but then I thought that would probably leave cotton in my hair so my question is how do I use the witch hazel? The spray bottles are going to be used daily since that is really all I'm going to need....I put some water in it...spray, shake, and go.
Many Faces of Me
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sisterlock installation finished...15 1/2 hours.
Hello all I am officially a full fledge member of the Sisterlocked family...I love, love, love, love, love them.....they are just what I needed. Took her 2 hours to finish the 2 small sections that were left. She braided it up and I took it out and I'm wearing it wavy. I did take some pictures but i havent had a chance to dowload them yet I will be doing that tomorrow
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My 1st post as an official Sisterlocked Babe!!!
Well I did it...I am officially Sisterlocked....well at least almost. We started at 8am and stopped at 915pm......I am basically finished but 2 small sections in the back...I love it....of course I took some pictures but I need to upload them..I will do that tomorrow when all is said and done.
I had a long weekend in anticipation for this day....it all began Friday...I had to go to work at 11pm-7am....I got off and went to sleep for about 2 hours then I had to wake up because I had a Ethnic Expression Home Gallery party to go to with my mom...she is a Art consultant for EE and I told her I would videotape her presentation so that was at 2pm we had to be out the house by noon because she still had some running around to do.....we get to the EE Art Demonstration that was suppose to start at 2pm...and of course ya know black people..they come when they want to...so people didnt start arriving till about 245pm-3pm and of course they want to eat and socialize so about 330pm my mom finally starts her presentation which last about 35minutes to an hour...so know its 430pm going on 5pm...once thats over she does shopping time...and let me tell you buying this art is big business they have some of the most artistic and talented black folks around and that art is sooo beautiful that it sells itself. During shopping time you have many chooses that need to be made in reference to the particular piece that you are buying like the different frames and color mats that you can change to make the picture adaptable to where you plan to put it and your home decor...well that can take up to 30-45 min per order and it was about 15 people that was placing orders....I say all that to say...I was tired, I was ready to go.....and we still had to pack up all her supplies and load them into the car.....so she finally finishes and its about 815pm and I still had to pick my kids up from their dads house.
Once home I had to hurry up wash my hair for my SISTERLOCK installation which was at 8am...now mind you I worked friday night...I only got 2hours of sleep and I been out all day...so once I got out that shower...I got straight in the bed and was out like a light by 945pm.....I kept waking up throughout the night anxious because I was having a very hard time staying sleep becuase I thought I was going to over sleep....and set my alarm for 6am, so I could get up, take a shower, get dressed, go to the store to get some goodies for my long installation process..and of course get my much needed cup of DD coffee.....now I can finally be on my way..I got there about 730am...I came prepared I had my gameboy with some xtra batteries and games, food to nibble on, money to buy lunch, and a book to read. Simone get's there right on time we go inside and she doesnt waste anytime getting started......by 2pm my top half of my head was done..so I took a break to go get me some lunch from down the street....I eat and we start right back up...of course I did take break in between to go to the bathroom and to stretch...but she was good I think she could of sat there with out ever having to take a break.
About 5pm my butt really started hurting..mind you I'm a telephone Operator so I sit all the time anyway so I thought I could take this long installation process without a problem..boy was I wrong....by 630pm I was restless and I felt like I couldn't sit down any longer..but I stayed and she got done a good amount so Monday morning when I go back at 10am she says it should only take her about 1-2 hours to finish the last 2 small sections at the bottom.....Oh yeah and I forgot to tell ya I am currently at work right now because I had to be there at 11pm...so I have another 8 more hours of sitting .....but I am happy that I am finally SISTERLOCKED!!!
I had a long weekend in anticipation for this day....it all began Friday...I had to go to work at 11pm-7am....I got off and went to sleep for about 2 hours then I had to wake up because I had a Ethnic Expression Home Gallery party to go to with my mom...she is a Art consultant for EE and I told her I would videotape her presentation so that was at 2pm we had to be out the house by noon because she still had some running around to do.....we get to the EE Art Demonstration that was suppose to start at 2pm...and of course ya know black people..they come when they want to...so people didnt start arriving till about 245pm-3pm and of course they want to eat and socialize so about 330pm my mom finally starts her presentation which last about 35minutes to an hour...so know its 430pm going on 5pm...once thats over she does shopping time...and let me tell you buying this art is big business they have some of the most artistic and talented black folks around and that art is sooo beautiful that it sells itself. During shopping time you have many chooses that need to be made in reference to the particular piece that you are buying like the different frames and color mats that you can change to make the picture adaptable to where you plan to put it and your home decor...well that can take up to 30-45 min per order and it was about 15 people that was placing orders....I say all that to say...I was tired, I was ready to go.....and we still had to pack up all her supplies and load them into the car.....so she finally finishes and its about 815pm and I still had to pick my kids up from their dads house.
Once home I had to hurry up wash my hair for my SISTERLOCK installation which was at 8am...now mind you I worked friday night...I only got 2hours of sleep and I been out all day...so once I got out that shower...I got straight in the bed and was out like a light by 945pm.....I kept waking up throughout the night anxious because I was having a very hard time staying sleep becuase I thought I was going to over sleep....and set my alarm for 6am, so I could get up, take a shower, get dressed, go to the store to get some goodies for my long installation process..and of course get my much needed cup of DD coffee.....now I can finally be on my way..I got there about 730am...I came prepared I had my gameboy with some xtra batteries and games, food to nibble on, money to buy lunch, and a book to read. Simone get's there right on time we go inside and she doesnt waste anytime getting started......by 2pm my top half of my head was done..so I took a break to go get me some lunch from down the street....I eat and we start right back up...of course I did take break in between to go to the bathroom and to stretch...but she was good I think she could of sat there with out ever having to take a break.
About 5pm my butt really started hurting..mind you I'm a telephone Operator so I sit all the time anyway so I thought I could take this long installation process without a problem..boy was I wrong....by 630pm I was restless and I felt like I couldn't sit down any longer..but I stayed and she got done a good amount so Monday morning when I go back at 10am she says it should only take her about 1-2 hours to finish the last 2 small sections at the bottom.....Oh yeah and I forgot to tell ya I am currently at work right now because I had to be there at 11pm...so I have another 8 more hours of sitting .....but I am happy that I am finally SISTERLOCKED!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I Have a Date!!!!!
I will officially be a part of the Sisterlocks family on March 2, 2008 starting at 8am.
I had my 2nd consultation and I am happy to say that I will be going with Simone from Beauty Coliseum.....I was very happy that I decided to keep my second consult becuase I had originally planned on canceling it. I met with Simone and she is a very light spoken young woman who has been doing Sisterlocks for 4 years, she showed me some pictures of her clients as well as the Sisterlocks calendar and we went over the general consultation information. She was able to answer all my questions and her salon is way more convenient than my previous consultation....and she has more availability to meet my schedule....and her price was definitely cheaper...not by much but cheaper....she quoted me $700...so I left myself a $100 deposit to hold my scheduled appointment for Sunday, March 2....I am so excited....and I am so ready. She thinks she will be able to finish most of it on Sunday and we probably only have 2-3 hours on Monday....but we both are aiming for Sunday.....I am so happy!!!!
I definitely will be posting pics and giving many updates so please look out......Mores is definitely to come......
I had my 2nd consultation and I am happy to say that I will be going with Simone from Beauty Coliseum.....I was very happy that I decided to keep my second consult becuase I had originally planned on canceling it. I met with Simone and she is a very light spoken young woman who has been doing Sisterlocks for 4 years, she showed me some pictures of her clients as well as the Sisterlocks calendar and we went over the general consultation information. She was able to answer all my questions and her salon is way more convenient than my previous consultation....and she has more availability to meet my schedule....and her price was definitely cheaper...not by much but cheaper....she quoted me $700...so I left myself a $100 deposit to hold my scheduled appointment for Sunday, March 2....I am so excited....and I am so ready. She thinks she will be able to finish most of it on Sunday and we probably only have 2-3 hours on Monday....but we both are aiming for Sunday.....I am so happy!!!!
I definitely will be posting pics and giving many updates so please look out......Mores is definitely to come......
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tomorrow's my 2nd Consult
I was going to cancel my second consult but due to a recommendation from LIU, I have decided to keep it. My second consult is with Simone at Beauty Coliseum....Philly....on South st. The consult is 45$ and my appointment is at 10:30am....so I am going to be really rushing because I have a dentist appointment at 12noon back in sicklerville....Hopefully I can get there early after I get my boys on the school bus.
My 1st consultant gave me a price of $750 for 6inches of all natural dense hair using medium and large locs. I am hoping this consultant can give me a cheaper price. I did enjoy my consult with Gerry at Nubian solutions and everyone there was very helpful and nice as well as a personal recommendation from BF's Aunt. The only problem with gerry is that she only works on the weekends and the weekends are just not good for me because that means I have to find a baby sitter for 2 maybe 3 days for my installation. I am hoping that Beauty Coliseum's hours are a little more flexible...so I will be taking all that into consideration when I make my decision...price and time or flexibility of scheduling.
I am hoping this consultation goes just as well....I will be posting pics of course and coming back to tell you all about my experience.
My 1st consultant gave me a price of $750 for 6inches of all natural dense hair using medium and large locs. I am hoping this consultant can give me a cheaper price. I did enjoy my consult with Gerry at Nubian solutions and everyone there was very helpful and nice as well as a personal recommendation from BF's Aunt. The only problem with gerry is that she only works on the weekends and the weekends are just not good for me because that means I have to find a baby sitter for 2 maybe 3 days for my installation. I am hoping that Beauty Coliseum's hours are a little more flexible...so I will be taking all that into consideration when I make my decision...price and time or flexibility of scheduling.
I am hoping this consultation goes just as well....I will be posting pics of course and coming back to tell you all about my experience.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Consult done!!!
Well I went to my consultation and I am soo ready to get my sisterlocks!!! My consultations was with Geraldine at Nubian Solutions my appointment was originally at 4pm but they called me at home to see if I could come in a little earlier and of course I was ready and there by 2:30pm. Geraldine was very professional and everyone there was nice and helpful. She explained the process of sisterlocks, where they originated from and who invented them...of course I already new that because of my own research but it was good to see that she was able to give me background info. She measured my hair which is 6 whopping inches long...looked at my density which is very dense because I got a head full of hair. The price she gave me was as expected $750....minus my consult fee of $35....she said I could cut my hair to make it 4inches that would take my price down to $450...but I don't want too. I already new going into this that sisterlocks was expensive so I am going to keep my length and pay the $750. I wish I could of made my appointment today but like many black people....I'm waiting on my income tax.....this is going to be a treat to myself after I pay some bills.

I took some pictures of my test sisterlocks....
I took some pictures of my test sisterlocks....
Friday, February 22, 2008
I think I am going to get a 2nd consult...
I have decided since this is a big decision to make when it comes to my hair and my money that I need to get more than 1 consult, so I decided to go back to the sisterlock website to get another name of a certified consultant in my area. I already made an appointment with 1 which is this Sat. at Nubian Solutions.
My 2nd consultation is at Beauty Coliseum with Simone on Thursday @ 10am consult there is 45$ and just the same as before if I decide to go with them the price will be deducted from my full Sisterlock installation fee.
I am so ready for my journey to begin...I am hyped to see what my Sisterlocks are going to look like, what they are going to feel like...and definitely the reactions that I am going to get from my friends and family!!!
I will definitely be taking some pictures at both my consults so I can post and give some details of my experience.
My 2nd consultation is at Beauty Coliseum with Simone on Thursday @ 10am consult there is 45$ and just the same as before if I decide to go with them the price will be deducted from my full Sisterlock installation fee.
I am so ready for my journey to begin...I am hyped to see what my Sisterlocks are going to look like, what they are going to feel like...and definitely the reactions that I am going to get from my friends and family!!!
I will definitely be taking some pictures at both my consults so I can post and give some details of my experience.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Trying to figuire out how to make my blog nice....
Like a lot of people I am new to blogging...I have been playing around and looking at all the sisterlock blogs I can...and I have noticed that people have links and a whole bunch of different stuff on there blog which makes them interesting. I can't seem to find out how to do that....I have added a couple of my favorite blogs that I have been stalking since I have made my decision to get Sisterlocks but I want to learn more. So I plan to play around with this for a bit so I can learn and make my blog just as interesting and pretty as everyone elses.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Consult Made...Yippeee!!!
Well I did it...I made my consultation for my Sisterlocks.....I am so excited. I called this morning and she actually wanted me to come in at 4pm today...but I couldn't so I made my appointment for Sat. Feb. 23 @ 4pm.
My appointment is at Nubian Solutions there website is http://www.nubian-solutions.com/
They are located in Southwest Philly 6323 Woodland Avenue and there phone # is 215-726-8522.
My consultation is with Geraldine. The cost of the consult is $35.00 and if I decide to go with Sisterlocks the consult fee will be deducted from my total price that they will give me at my consult. I definitely plan too get sisterlocks as long as they don't cost me over 400$..above that I may have to reconsider for the moment. I have heard that sisterlocks can be very expensive...but all the people that I talk with that have them don't ever want to give me their price becuase of course each person is different.
I am so so so excited, the receptionist told me to come with freshly washed-clean, no product hair so they can perform the consultation..of course she told me they will explain the process of sisterlocks to me, examine my scalp and hair, and put a few test locks in....I can't wait....I am soo ready for a change...and I have heard so many good things about sisterlocks that I am even more excited.
My appointment is at Nubian Solutions there website is http://www.nubian-solutions.com/
They are located in Southwest Philly 6323 Woodland Avenue and there phone # is 215-726-8522.
My consultation is with Geraldine. The cost of the consult is $35.00 and if I decide to go with Sisterlocks the consult fee will be deducted from my total price that they will give me at my consult. I definitely plan too get sisterlocks as long as they don't cost me over 400$..above that I may have to reconsider for the moment. I have heard that sisterlocks can be very expensive...but all the people that I talk with that have them don't ever want to give me their price becuase of course each person is different.
I am so so so excited, the receptionist told me to come with freshly washed-clean, no product hair so they can perform the consultation..of course she told me they will explain the process of sisterlocks to me, examine my scalp and hair, and put a few test locks in....I can't wait....I am soo ready for a change...and I have heard so many good things about sisterlocks that I am even more excited.
Consultation Made....Sat. Feb. 23 @ 4pm
Well I did it...I called Nubian Solutions and made my consultation for my Sisterlocks.....Saturday Feb. 23 @ 4pm is my date...the cost for the consultation is $35.00 and if I decide to go with sisterlocks...which of course I know I already am...they will deduct that from my price...which I will be told to while at my consultation. My appointment is with someone by the name of Geraldine. Nubian Solutions
Monday, February 18, 2008
I love being natural...I love the way that I look....I feel different compared to everyone that I know and see...and I love it...I love the individuality that being natural gives me....so I have been contemplating getting sisterlocks for about 2-3 months now....I have been doing my research reading and looking at pictures and just basically gathering all the information I think I need for me to make an informed decision.
I first heard about sisterlocks from my best freinds aunt...she just got her sisterlocks installed...and she loves them....and I love them too. I have been to the sisterlocks website...www.sisterlocks.com and read all that there is to read and I have gotten the certified sisterlock consultant for my area...and it actually is the same on my BF's aunt goes to....so I am excited. I will call tomorrow to make an appointment for a consultation and go from there.
Here I am with my infamous afro.....
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Hello everyone....I know I haven't updated for a very long time and the last time that I did was to just complain, but as of Feb. 2, 200...
Today was the first day that I actually felt like I need to do something to my hair. I had a test to take tonight and when I woke up I had ...
Today was my first real day going out with my Sisterlocks...I went to my girlfriends babyshower and everybody just kept throwing me complime...