Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's hard finding REAL friends today....For all the REAL friends..I Love You!!!!

One of my best friends is planning a visit from ATL and it just got me thinking....Why is it so hard to find REAL TRUE FRIENDS......I have 2 very close friends that I tell everything, of course I have had other friends but as time has gone by and we have grown up...we grew apart, not becuase we were no longer friends just because life happens. I have found that finding girlfriends that you can trust is harder now that I am older than when I was younger. This post is for all the true friends out there that no matter where your life has taken you, you still stay true to the people that were there for you before.

1 comment:

blackstone said...

Sicklerville?Thats wassup, i have some friends there. It's all about North Jersey tho! :)


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