Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Have a Date!!!!!

I will officially be a part of the Sisterlocks family on March 2, 2008 starting at 8am.

I had my 2nd consultation and I am happy to say that I will be going with Simone from Beauty Coliseum.....I was very happy that I decided to keep my second consult becuase I had originally planned on canceling it. I met with Simone and she is a very light spoken young woman who has been doing Sisterlocks for 4 years, she showed me some pictures of her clients as well as the Sisterlocks calendar and we went over the general consultation information. She was able to answer all my questions and her salon is way more convenient than my previous consultation....and she has more availability to meet my schedule....and her price was definitely cheaper...not by much but cheaper....she quoted me $ I left myself a $100 deposit to hold my scheduled appointment for Sunday, March 2....I am so excited....and I am so ready. She thinks she will be able to finish most of it on Sunday and we probably only have 2-3 hours on Monday....but we both are aiming for Sunday.....I am so happy!!!!

I definitely will be posting pics and giving many updates so please look out......Mores is definitely to come......

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tomorrow's my 2nd Consult

I was going to cancel my second consult but due to a recommendation from LIU, I have decided to keep it. My second consult is with Simone at Beauty Coliseum....Philly....on South st. The consult is 45$ and my appointment is at I am going to be really rushing because I have a dentist appointment at 12noon back in sicklerville....Hopefully I can get there early after I get my boys on the school bus.

My 1st consultant gave me a price of $750 for 6inches of all natural dense hair using medium and large locs. I am hoping this consultant can give me a cheaper price. I did enjoy my consult with Gerry at Nubian solutions and everyone there was very helpful and nice as well as a personal recommendation from BF's Aunt. The only problem with gerry is that she only works on the weekends and the weekends are just not good for me because that means I have to find a baby sitter for 2 maybe 3 days for my installation. I am hoping that Beauty Coliseum's hours are a little more I will be taking all that into consideration when I make my decision...price and time or flexibility of scheduling.

I am hoping this consultation goes just as well....I will be posting pics of course and coming back to tell you all about my experience.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Slideshow of my test locks!!!!

Consult done!!!

Well I went to my consultation and I am soo ready to get my sisterlocks!!! My consultations was with Geraldine at Nubian Solutions my appointment was originally at 4pm but they called me at home to see if I could come in a little earlier and of course I was ready and there by 2:30pm. Geraldine was very professional and everyone there was nice and helpful. She explained the process of sisterlocks, where they originated from and who invented them...of course I already new that because of my own research but it was good to see that she was able to give me background info. She measured my hair which is 6 whopping inches long...looked at my density which is very dense because I got a head full of hair. The price she gave me was as expected $750....minus my consult fee of $35....she said I could cut my hair to make it 4inches that would take my price down to $450...but I don't want too. I already new going into this that sisterlocks was expensive so I am going to keep my length and pay the $750. I wish I could of made my appointment today but like many black people....I'm waiting on my income tax.....this is going to be a treat to myself after I pay some bills.

I took some pictures of my test sisterlocks....

Friday, February 22, 2008

I think I am going to get a 2nd consult...

I have decided since this is a big decision to make when it comes to my hair and my money that I need to get more than 1 consult, so I decided to go back to the sisterlock website to get another name of a certified consultant in my area. I already made an appointment with 1 which is this Sat. at Nubian Solutions.
My 2nd consultation is at Beauty Coliseum with Simone on Thursday @ 10am consult there is 45$ and just the same as before if I decide to go with them the price will be deducted from my full Sisterlock installation fee.

I am so ready for my journey to begin...I am hyped to see what my Sisterlocks are going to look like, what they are going to feel like...and definitely the reactions that I am going to get from my friends and family!!!

I will definitely be taking some pictures at both my consults so I can post and give some details of my experience.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Trying to figuire out how to make my blog nice....

Like a lot of people I am new to blogging...I have been playing around and looking at all the sisterlock blogs I can...and I have noticed that people have links and a whole bunch of different stuff on there blog which makes them interesting. I can't seem to find out how to do that....I have added a couple of my favorite blogs that I have been stalking since I have made my decision to get Sisterlocks but I want to learn more. So I plan to play around with this for a bit so I can learn and make my blog just as interesting and pretty as everyone elses.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Consult Made...Yippeee!!!

Well I did it...I made my consultation for my Sisterlocks.....I am so excited. I called this morning and she actually wanted me to come in at 4pm today...but I couldn't so I made my appointment for Sat. Feb. 23 @ 4pm.

My appointment is at Nubian Solutions there website is
They are located in Southwest Philly 6323 Woodland Avenue and there phone # is 215-726-8522.

My consultation is with Geraldine. The cost of the consult is $35.00 and if I decide to go with Sisterlocks the consult fee will be deducted from my total price that they will give me at my consult. I definitely plan too get sisterlocks as long as they don't cost me over 400$..above that I may have to reconsider for the moment. I have heard that sisterlocks can be very expensive...but all the people that I talk with that have them don't ever want to give me their price becuase of course each person is different.

I am so so so excited, the receptionist told me to come with freshly washed-clean, no product hair so they can perform the consultation..of course she told me they will explain the process of sisterlocks to me, examine my scalp and hair, and put a few test locks in....I can't wait....I am soo ready for a change...and I have heard so many good things about sisterlocks that I am even more excited.

Consultation Made....Sat. Feb. 23 @ 4pm

Well I did it...I called Nubian Solutions and made my consultation for my Sisterlocks.....Saturday Feb. 23 @ 4pm is my date...the cost for the consultation is $35.00 and if I decide to go with sisterlocks...which of course I know I already am...they will deduct that from my price...which I will be told to while at my consultation. My appointment is with someone by the name of Geraldine. Nubian Solutions

Monday, February 18, 2008

I love being natural...I love the way that I look....I feel different compared to everyone that I know and see...and I love it...I love the individuality that being natural gives I have been contemplating getting sisterlocks for about 2-3 months now....I have been doing my research reading and looking at pictures and just basically gathering all the information I think I need for me to make an informed decision.

I first heard about sisterlocks from my best freinds aunt...she just got her sisterlocks installed...and she loves them....and I love them too. I have been to the sisterlocks and read all that there is to read and I have gotten the certified sisterlock consultant for my area...and it actually is the same on my BF's aunt goes I am excited. I will call tomorrow to make an appointment for a consultation and go from there.

Here I am with my infamous afro.....


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